Monday, 22 February 2010

LFW Continued...

Louise Goldin

Haunting string soundtrack, futuristic military inspired silhouettes; amazing palette of navy, olive and black with hints of blue, red and yellow underneath in the form of Swarovski Crystalized shorts.
Louise Goldin has truly become a celebrated name in fashion and you can clearly see why this Autumn/Winter- her best collection yet; flawless styling, designs to perfection and the unique style of her signature knits and crystals perfectly placed for that all together  immaculate look.

Watch the full show here-
The track is 'Inquisition Symphony' by Apocalyptica

Welsh Designers Collective
Great goodie bag at this one- small bottle of whiskey, big wooly socks,
and welsh cakes, lovely.

Emma Griffiths

Nude and black, subtle sculpture, beautiful coat and interesting ties and panelling.

Josie Beckett

Cute, wearable, tudor inspired pieces from Josie Beckett, good combination of colours and nice print detailing.

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